理解 Hood

Hood 官方中文指引:理解 Hood

这篇文章是在我利用个人时间做的 App —— Hood 初版快要完成时写的,旨在让 Hood 的用户可以通过阅读本文提升对 Hood 产品逻辑的理解从而更加科学合理的使用 Hood。


  • Hood 是什么?
  • 核心概念
  • 设计理念
  • 无可奈何
  • 未来计划

Hood 是什么?

Hood 是我利用业余时间做的一款 App。

你可以把 Hood 当作一个隐私工具,在他人借用设备时禁用掉私密 App;你可以把 Hood 当作一个效率工具,在工作或者集中注意力时隐藏分散你注意力的 App;你可以把 Hood 当作一个家长管理工具,必要时将那些使用时长过多对孩子健康造成影响的 App 限制起来。

总之,基于屏幕使用时间管理的核心功能可以派生出好多有趣的用法,因此 Hood 未来的迭代方向也有很多。


  • 授权,Hood 的主要能力是屏幕时间管理,这项能力来自于 ScreenTime API,所以在没有得到授权时 Hood 几乎没有任何用,这也是 Hood 在用户未授权 ScreenTime 时向用户申请权限的原因。

  • 隐私,ScreenTime API 的设计非常注重隐私安全,Hood 不会知道你安装了哪些 Apps,以及什么 Apps 是你想要限制使用的。其实 Hood 的使用并不需要网络授权,目前请求网络权限也仅仅是为了同步 AppStore 的信息。

  • 限制,Hood 只会对没有 ScreenTime API 授权的 App 生效,这意味着 Hood 不可以隐藏自己,所以不是很有趣。这也意味着如果你想取消 Hood 的控制,只需要收回 Hood 拿到的 ScreenTime 授权或者干脆卸载 Hood,那些被 Hood 限制的 Apps 就会一切如初。


  • 应用分组,管理单个应用比较麻烦,所以 Hood 加入了分组的概念,以卡片形式展示。

  • 身份认证,看到 Hood 内容的人应该是设备的主人,当前 Hood 只做了生物识别认证,也就是 Face ID 或 Touch ID。

  • 限制卸载,如果 Hood 不再那么小众,那么可能拿到你设备的人即使不进行身份认证依然可以通过卸载 Hood 的方式看到那些你不愿意让 TA 看到的 Apps,所以 Hood 做了这个功能;相应的还有「限制安装应用」和「限制应用内购买」功能,笔者认为这三个功能对于监护人更好的约束被监护人这个场景很有用,可以防止孩子安装新的手游或私下购买游戏道具/打赏女主播。


  • 图标乱序,被 ScreenTime API 禁用的 Apps 在还原时会按照某种规则重新出现到设备桌面,就好像它们被禁用时真的被卸载然后出现时又重新从 AppStore 安装一样,遗憾的是这暂时无解。不过可以通过在第二屏预留相应空位或者参照 Hood 内切换隐藏模式时的提示绕过去。当然,你也可以试试通过 Hood 的锁定模式来禁用 App。

  • 界面简陋,呃… 因为目前还没找到合作的设计师,所以整个 App 的交互和界面设计都是我自己做的,确实有点偏性冷淡的素。其实仔细体会的话你也许可以发现所有的交互路径都是尽可能短的,目的自然是为了更高效。AppIcon 的 H 不只是 Hood 的首字母,也是一个栅栏的形象,意味着约束和控制;主题色是绿色和蓝色的混色,表示健康/距离感与可靠。


正如文章开头说的那样,基于屏幕使用时间管理的核心功能可以派生出好多有趣的用法,因此 Hood 未来的迭代方向也有很多。老实说,我目前对于 Hood 的规划更倾向于效率类工具,所以后续大概率会往这个方向做迭代。

Understanding Hood

The article was translated from Chinese by ChatGPT.

Hood Official English Guide: Understanding Hood

This article was written when I was about to complete the first version of my app, Hood, in my spare time. The purpose is to help users of Hood better understand the product logic through reading this article and use it more scientifically and reasonably.


  • What is Hood?
  • Core Concepts
  • Design Philosophy
  • Helplessness
  • Future Plans

What is Hood?

Hood is an app that I made in my spare time.

You can think of Hood as a privacy tool to protect private apps when others borrow your phone; you can think of it as an efficiency tool to block distracting apps while working or focusing attention; you can think of it as a parental management tool to block Apps that have been used too much and may affect children’s health if necessary.

In short, based on the core function of Screen Time Management, many interesting uses can be derived from them. Therefore, there are many future directions for iteration on Hood.

Core Concepts

  • Authorization: The main ability of Hood is Screen Time Management. This ability comes from the ScreenTime API. Therefore, without authorization, Hood is almost useless. This is also why Hood applies for permission to users who have not authorized ScreenTime.

  • Privacy: The design of the ScreenTime API pays great attention to privacy and security. Hood does not know which Apps you have installed or what Apps you want to manage. In fact, using Hood does not require network authorization at present, and requesting network permissions only synchronizes AppStore information.

  • Limitation: Hood only works on Apps that do not have ScreenTime API authorization. This means that Hood cannot hide itself, so it is not very interesting. It also means that if you want to cancel the control of Hood, just revoke the ScreenTime authorization obtained by Hood or simply uninstall it, and those Apps controlled by hidden will return to their original state.

Design Philosophy

  • Application grouping: Managing individual applications can be cumbersome, so Hood introduces the concept of grouping in card form display.

  • Identity authentication: People who see content in Hidde should be device owners. Hood only did biometric authentication - Face ID or Touch ID.

  • Uninstall limitation: If Hood is no longer so niche, people who get your device may still be able to see the Apps you don’t want them to see by uninstalling Hood even if they do not authenticate. Therefore, Hood has this function; corresponding functions also include “Limit installation of applications” and “Limit in-app purchases”, which I think are very useful for guardianship scenarios where parents need to restrict their children from installing new mobile games or buying game props/rewarding anchors.


  • Icon disorder: When blocking apps restore, they will be rearranged on the device desktop according to some rules, as if they were really uninstalled when blocked and then reinstalled from the App Store when they appear again. There is currently no solution for this problem, but you can bypass it by reserving corresponding space on the second screen or referring to the prompt when switching to block mode in Hidde. Of course, you can also try disabling apps through Hood’s lock mode. Locking won’t cause disorder and is suitable for non-essential blocking scenarios such as self-discipline.

  • Simple interface: Um… because I haven’t found a cooperating designer yet, so I did all of Hood’s interaction and interface design myself. It does have a bit of bias towards minimalism. If you carefully experience it, you may find that all interaction paths are as short as possible for higher efficiency. The interface elements are mostly simple graphics that directly map to code logic. To say more, actually “H” in AppIcon not only stands for “Hood”, but also represents a fence image which means constraint and control; The theme color is a mixture of green and blue representing health/distance sense and reliability.

Future plans

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, many interesting uses can be derived from Hood’s core function of Screen Time Management; therefore there are many directions for future iterations of Hood. Honestly speaking, my current plan for Hood leans more towards efficient tools; therefore subsequent iterations will probably move in this direction.